Monday, February 8, 2010

Notebook, everywhere!

On a daily work, we often make some researches on different topics and we need to find a way to keep this and come back to it later on. So we use bookmarks (but we can't write comments on it, a pity!), Word-like files (but we have to launch Word and find back the file later on...) or any kind of post-it (real one or software, but at the end it's a mess). I even tried Mind Mapping, but it is not specifically dedicated for that and looks soon very complex.

SO IF YOU ARE IN THIS CASE, like me, then you SHOULD try out a Notebook software. It allows you to organize your notes, keep them in the same place, add all kind of media with it (photos, videos, links...) and FIND IT BACK, quickly!

I did use Microsoft One Note for a while, and it is great. But if you look for a cheaper solution and accessible from everywhere (through mobile devices for instance), check this out!


Welcome to your notable world | Evernote Corporation


Rom said...

Only one drawback, the Premium account cost 45 euros/year.